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Photos: The Tall Ships Races Tallinn 2024 third day featured fish grilling competition and a lively night song festival where people joined in on the singing

Writer's picture: TSR24TSR24

Yesterday's Tall Ships Races Tallinn 2024 maritime festival delighted visitors with Grillfest’s fish grilling competition, a tugboat dance, and a well-attended night song festival where everyone could to sing along.

The third day of the maritime festival offered numerous activities at Lennusadama harbour, Noblessneri harbour, and the cruise area of Vanasadam. Ships were open for viewing, with some allowing visitors to come aboard.

At the cruise area of Vanasadam, the Estonian Championships in fish grilling took place under the leadership of Grillfest, and in the evening, an exclusive dance of Alfons Håkans' tugboats was showcased at the end of the cruise quay.

Families with children enjoyed engaging activities from competitions to games, and family favorite Lolala performed with her band. Additionally, Sofia Rubina with her program "I am Soul," Marta Lotta & Analoog, and Lexsoul Dancemachine performed on the stage at the cruise quay of the Vanasadama cruise area.

At Lennusadama harbour, the Tallinn Race continued, and people with special needs had the opportunity to sail.

Families with children enjoyed sporting games, competitions, and various performances.

DJ Ruff, Liis Lemsalu band, James Werts World Project offered entertainment and concerts to the crowd. Peeter Kivvit on accordion and Marko Matvere, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra and Tõnu Kaljuste performed in the marina with the concert "Vana madrus".

In the evening, the guests of the night song festival could sing along at the "Meie ja Meri" („Us and the Sea“) night song party, which was also specially created for the Tall Ships Races Tallinn 2024 event.

At Noblessneri harbour, visitors could watch the Top KVARK science show, and performances by Carlos and Raul Ukareda, Maris Pihlap, Sibyl Vane, and the Elina Nechayeva trio took place on the stage.

Children were also offered various activities, including sporting games, a children's program, and other games.

For the full Tall Ships Races Tallinn 2024 program, click here.

For the gallery of the third day of Tall Ships Races Tallinn, click here.

Photo: Johan Hallimäe

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